Passionate About People

We prioritise the human element in media monitoring and intelligence with accurate, timely, customised reporting based on your needs and performance measures. To this end we endeavour to:

Emphasise human
touch points

Execute prompt,
relevant insight

Enhance personalised

Expand on client-based
performance measures

Passionate About People

We prioritise the human element in media monitoring and intelligence with accurate, timely, customised reporting based on your needs and performance measures. To this end we endeavour to:

Emphasise human
touch points

Execute prompt,
relevant insight

Enhance personalised

Expand on client-based
performance measures

Emphasise human touch points

  • Our diverse team of media analysts complement automated systems and processes to ensure a higher degree of data accuracy.
  • Our experienced account managers establish clear and consistent communication to ensure we meet your precise specifications.

Emphasise human touch points

  • Our diverse team of media analysts complement automated systems and processes to ensure a higher degree of data accuracy.
  • Our experienced account managers establish clear and consistent communication to ensure we meet your precise specifications.

Execute prompt, relevant insight

  • We provide real-time monitoring and analysis, moving away from standard daily delivery to on-demand plans across press, broadcast, online and social media.
  • In terms of media insight and media analysis, we offer mainstream media analytics (press, broadcast and online); social media analytics or social listening; and a combination of both for integrated media analytics.

See our Media Intelligence page for more information.

Execute prompt, relevant insight

  • We provide real-time monitoring and analysis, moving away from standard daily delivery to on-demand plans across press, broadcast, online and social media.
  • In terms of media insight and media analysis, we offer mainstream media analytics (press, broadcast and online); social media analytics or social listening; and a combination of both for integrated media analytics.

See our Media Intelligence page for more information.

Enhance personalised reporting

  • Depending on the metrics required, our online dashboard can be modified to complement the standard report offering.
  • Following our discussions and research, we propose a solution that best suits your needs.

Expand on client-based performance measures

  • Rather than a standard performance measure, we adapt the assessment of your media communication efforts based on your organisational benchmarks or various industry standards that apply.

Expand on client-based performance measures

  • Rather than a standard performance measure, we adapt the assessment of your media communication efforts based on your organisational benchmarks or various industry standards that apply.

Ready to get started?

Monitor brand-related mentions across mainstream, online and social media for insight that converts
an audience into consumers and advocates

Ready to get started?

Monitor brand-related mentions across mainstream, online and social media for insight that converts an audience into consumers and advocates